The Benchmark for
Responsible Investment
The ERIG Index
The ERIG Index was built to assign Responsible Investment ratings to managed funds, providing Financial Advisers with a tool to build the perfect RI portfolio for your clients.
Analyse a Portfolio
Apply the ERIG Index to your portfolio and see how it compares to client expectations as well as peer and sector averages.
RI Client Questionnaire
A handy tool for Financial Advisers to facilitate RI conversations with clients.
Explainer Series
I'm a Financial Adviser
  • Start building sustainable portfolios
  • Map your clients' beliefs to investment products
  • Over 670 Strategies and 2700 APIR codes to choose from
I'm a Fund Manager
  • Use your Quartile Ranking and RI scores
  • Provide educational content for Financial Advisers
  • Compare your scores with peers and sectors


We find the ERIG Index a great high level overview for our clients. Responsible investing is a very grey area and what the ERIG index gives us is contextual discussion points. It is the discussion that adds the value.
- Core Private Wealth
We've recently subscribed to ERIG to assist the investment selection process for our growing set of clients who are keen to see their portfolio comprise RI's. The site is a breeze to use and has assisted us with selecting alternatives for our clients from within our APL universe, truncating an otherwise time-consuming asset selection process.
- Pride Advice
Evergreen have a robust manager selection framework which gives our investors a well-diversified, broad based exposure to the best of breed managers in the responsible investment space.
- Generation Life
We found have ERIG an effective tool in helping us source and identify true-to-label ESG/sustainable products for our clients. ERIG is particularly effective in identifying funds that have strong characteristics that are not explicitly marketed as being an ESG product, and/or ESG products that are “greenwashing”.
The manner in which the system categorises and scores based on the type of ESG implementation deployed by the fund, has allowed us to more closely map implementation types to specific client preferences. Finally, we have found it to be the most comprehensive database of its kind and the breadth of coverage more than meets our needs.
- Allegra Wealth

What is the ERIG Index?

Responsible Investment (RI) is an important consideration for investors everywhere. Until now, there has not been a consistent industry approach to assessing the RI characteristics of funds and portfolios.
We have solved this problem by developing a robust fund grading framework that Financial Advisers can use to build RI portfolios with confidence and ease.
There are two ratings solutions provided by the ERIG Index. The first is a quartile ranking which provides Financial Advisers with a simple way to determine a fund's RI capabilities at a glance. The second is a series of scores across the RI Spectrum which allows the Financial Advisers to effortlessly drill down into a fund's competencies.
The ERIG Index was developed using the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia's (RIAA) Responsible Investment Spectrum and the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) guidelines.

The number one expectation Australians have of financial advisers is to be knowledgeable about responsible investment, overtaking the prioritisation of investment returns.

74% of Australians would consider moving to another provider if they found out their current fund was investing in companies engaged in activities not consistent with their values.

The vast majority of Australians want the finance sector to act on climate change (five out of six).

Australians are increasingly concerned about social and not just environmental issues when investing. For three-quarters of Australians, social issues are important when they think about investing their money.

72% of the population is concerned that responsible investors engage in greenwashing.

Consumers still seek independent certification or labelling. Threequarters of the population is more likely to invest in responsible investment products that have been certified or labelled as responsible by an independent third party.

Source: RIAA 2022 Consumer Report

Analyse your portfolio

Upload an existing portfolio, create one from scratch or model different portfolios to suit your needs.
The ERIG Index provides grades for over 650 products, 2400 APIRs, and counting. These products span various asset classes, including hard-to-assess sectors such as fixed interest and product types.

How can you construct a portfolio using your client's Responsible Investment profile?

ERIG Client Questionnaire

Discover a client's preferred investing beliefs.

Product Search

Input your client's preferences to the product search tool, finding appropriate products for their portfolio.

Portfolio Construction

Select the products you wish to use, model them in the portfolio construction tool and assess RI characteristics using ERIG Index scores and Quartile Rankings.

Our Partners

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